Ok, I think the blog needs a name change. I think it should be something like the traveling NOLAN!! HA
This year has been insanely crazy with trips, which is odd for us. Hopefully we aren't done for the year yet either! I love to travel this is no secret. I just wish it was a bit more affordable!!! Most recently the kids and I (yes, I actually took them) traveled to Las Vegas and California to see S since he was going to be at Nellis AFB for a week. I found reasonable tickets and the kids had a break coming up at school so off we went!
on the plane to LAX |
we arrived safe and tired. |
We started in Hawaii (duh). Flew to LAX (california), then hopped on a plane for the quick trip to Las Vegas (nevada). My parents picked us up there (they are the best, drove 4 hours to get us!) After a quick breafast and dropping off of bags we headed out to see the Hoover Dam. The kids had no idea why we were here, we wanted it to be a surprise when S got out of class.
In Nevada and Arizona at the same time |
with my parents |
While at the Hoover Dam we crossed into Arizona. That is four states in 1 DAY!! Crazy. The kids loved the dam, I just wish it hadn't been so damn hot. Dam humor! Hoover Dam has changed a lot since the last time I had been there. Which was before 9/11. No there is a bridge that commercial vehicles have to cross, and you can't go outside the dam anymore. Think National Lampoons Vegas Vacation. I love that MOVIE!!! I was so tempted to stick gum on the wall during the tour. :) Im sure that would have gone over well.
the new dam bridge |
amazing what American workers can do |
my sweet tired babies |
After some snacks at the dam we piled back into the car and drove to Nellis. I think it took 2 minutes for both kids and me to pass out. Jet lag blows. We got back to the hotel on base and the kids kept sleeping. It was now about 5 and S was on his way over!!! He woke both kids up and the looks on their faces were priceless. I of course didn't get pictures of this. I mean why would I have my phone ready to take pictures...geesh. Little A stuck to daddy like glue the entire night. We ate at some hamburger place in Ceasars palace and had delicious food! I am all for a burger and milkshake!
Gordon Ramsey Steak |
she stuck to him like glue. Never let him out of sight. |
The next day we checked out of the base hotel and into the Mirage on the Vegas Strip. This is one of our favorite hotels. Growing up 4 hours away from Vegas means I have stayed in a LOT of Vegas hotels. Some that aren't even there anymore! We putzed around. Went to the mall and basically waited on S to get out of class and meet us. All during this time little A was suffering from random bug that was making her cranky and not eating. I wasn't too concerned, but it was a bit sad to see her like this. Once S arrived he played with the kids and then he and I went on a grown up date. OOOO, we ended up at the Paris Hotel and ate at.....Gordon Ramsey Steak. OMG this was the most amazing meal I think I have ever had. We didn't have reservations and of course they didn't have one to give us, so we sat at the bar. No issue, full menu and attentive bar tender. Plus we sat right down, no waiting! This is the restaurant that the this years winner of Hells Kitchen works at!! EEEEK!! We didn't see her but still. I had the beef wellington, like they make on the show. So good. S had a filet with a side of grilled asparagus. I had the 4 cheese mac and cheese. Um yum doesn't cover it. The highlight of the meal was dessert...brown butter ice cream with sticky toffee pudding. Once dinner was over we headed to the TABLES!!! Whoop whoop. Time to gamble. We are such high rollers..NOT!
watching the baby dolphins |
White Siberian Tiger that tried to spray us. They have warning signs and everything. |
the burro ride at Circus Circus |
S spent the night with us that night, but left before the kids or me for that matter, even stirred. My mom and I took the kids to the pool and the Sigfried and Roy Secret Garden. It has a dolphin encounter and a large cat area. It was pretty cool. There were 2 new baby bottlenose dolphins. Adorable!!!! Little A was still not feeling well, but her attitude had improved, which was a nice change. When S met us later that night, he had his sister with him. She had driven out from California to see us and the kids were so excited. We hit up the arcade at Circus Circus (what a dump) the kids enjoyed it and S even rode a burro. They won a bunch of toys and crap, watched acrobats and then whined that they were hungry. Once again, S spent the night with us and had to leave early in the morning. The kids wouldn't budge away and were upset when they woke up and he wasn't there. I think this is the hardest part. They were excited to get on the road back to my parents house, so that helped.
First thing I did when we got "home" was take little A to the doc. She sees the same doc that I did when I was a kid. I say this because everytime we go "home" she goes to the doc. Got her all better and off we went to Disneyland. Yep, thats right. a 4 hour drive home, 2 hours at the doc and straight to Disney for trick or treating. I love disney at halloween. The place just magically changes to a world of Fall an Halloween! We went on rides, got too much candy and just had fun. We went with S's mom who is a big lover of disney and actually lives walking distance from it! We didnt even have to wait in line for parking. just walked on over. My mom and I left a bit earlier and let the diehard trio stick it out till midnight. The kids stayed with Gramma K for the weekend.
Pumpkin Mickey at the entrance |
Its Jasmine and Indy, in line for Pirates |
This left my mom and I open to shop and not worry about the kids being bored. We hit up the outlets in Carlsbad and the Orange County Swap Meet. The swap was a little sad...not like it used to be years ago. Not sure if the heat or the economy is what kept people away. We spent a total of 45 minutes in there. Usually its hours.
Once the kids were back with us on Monday we headed down the road to my sisters house to play with the cousins and swim. It was still HOT. I think the jeep said 109 at one point, and it was the first few days of OCTOBER. Where was the Fall love??? My kids always love getting to see the cousins. The oldest was 6 months old when S and I started dating. She had a boyfriend and that makes me feel old. I actually got to meet this boy and give him mine and S's approval. He seems nice, but he better know he has an uncle out there that won't tolerate any nonsense!
I like going to my sisters house because I am the cool aunt. Yes that is my title :) We made milkshakes in the middle of the day and laid at the pool and just gabbed back and forth. My sister and I have never been very close, she is six years older than me, but in our old age I think we have become friends.
relaxing at my sisters pool |
cousins, they actually all get along! |
We ended up back at her house on Wednesday for some more cousin and pool time. It was fun. Hot again.
Thursday it was time to fly home. The crying didn't stop from little A the whole time. Big A was a champ. He was sad to leave, as they always ask if they can live at my mom's house. I think its more about the proximity to Disney. At least that's what I tell myself.
This is the face I got the whole flight to SFO, and for most of it back to HNL. So sad :( |
So here we are back on the island. Anxiously waiting for our 6 month separation to be over. Granted it hasn't been horrible since I have gotten to see him twice, but its still lonely in the house without him here. Happily he is making an appearance for Thanksgiving and will just happen to be here for Big A's 8th birthday. It will only be for a few days, but then we only have 3 weeks left until we are a family in one state again! We go back to Vegas in December for graduation and get all dressed up and party like crazy people. I am looking forward to it! Till then I don't have any trips planned. After then I am trying to see if we can swing a hop to Japan. So I will keep you posted. These next few months will be full of Halloween, football for Big A, birthday's for both and a husband/daddy sighting. I will try to be better and keep the blog up to date. Even if just with pictures!